Valentine's Week Romance: La La Land & An Affair to Remember

Before you contact us, please note:

  1. Showtimes for each week get posted on Tuesday evenings.
  2. Check our Coming Soon page first if you want to know if a movie will be coming to our cinema.
  3. We often respond to emails faster than we respond to voicemail messages.



(613) 542-6080

If you phone, you might reach a real person, but if not, leave a message and we’ll return your call! We are often closed during the day (or busy with customers when we’re open), so do not be surprised if you get put through to voicemail.

Mailing Address

The Screening Room Movie Theatre
120 Princess Street, Second Floor
Kingston, Ontario
K7L 5M6

Job Openings

We currently have no open job positions at The Screening Room.

Renting the Cinema

The Screening Room is available to rent for private & public screenings!

Rent the Cinema – Learn more about our cinema rentals & place a booking request online!


Now Playing: Hard Truths

Classic Cinema in February

February 21-26: David Lynch Tribute

Opens February 14: Becoming Led Zeppelin

Opens February 21: I’m Still Here 🇧🇷

Opens February 14: Vermiglio

February 22: Popcorn & Purls Craft-Along Matinee

Met Opera at The Screening Room

Current Poster Exhibit: Psycho Killers

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