September 21-26
In It Happened One Night, Frank Capra crafts a definitive romantic comedy that captures the heart and defies convention. The film follows Ellie Andrews (Claudette Colbert), a spoiled heiress on the run from her controlling father, as she embarks on a cross-country journey with Peter Warne (Clark Gable), a brash newspaperman. Their journey is marked by witty banter and misadventures, with initial antagonism slowly giving way to an unexpected connection. Capra’s direction, coupled with the undeniable chemistry between Gable and Colbert, creates a timeless tale of love and self-discovery that continues to influence and enchant film lovers.
Genre |
Romantic Comedy
Runtime | 105 minutes |
Rated | G |
Directed By | Frank Capra |
Starring | Clark Gable, Claudette Colbert, Walter Connolly, Roscoe Karns |
Language | English |
Country |