Valentine's Week Romance: La La Land & An Affair to Remember

February 21, 22, 24 & 26

Henry (John Nance) resides alone in a bleak apartment surrounded by industrial gloom. When he discovers that an earlier fling with Mary X (Charlotte Stewart) left her pregnant, he marries the expectant mother and has her move in with him. Things take a decidedly strange turn when the couple’s baby turns out to be a bizarre lizard-like creature that won’t stop wailing. Other characters, including a disfigured lady who lives inside a radiator, inhabit the building and add to Henry’s troubles.

What makes Eraserhead great — and still, perhaps the best of all Lynch’s films? Intensity. Nightmare clarity. And perhaps also it’s the single-mindedness of its vision. – Chicago Tribune

What a masterpiece of texture, a feat of artisanal attention, an ingenious assemblage of damp, dust, rock, wood, hair, flesh, metal, ooze. – Village Voice

Buy Tickets
Dark ComedyHorror
Runtime 89 minutes
Rated 14A
Directed By David Lynch
Starring Jack Nance, Charlotte Stewart, Allen Joseph
Language English


Fri, Feb

12:00 am

Sat, Feb

9:40 pm

Mon, Feb

9:00 pm

Wed, Feb

6:00 pm


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Current Poster Exhibit: Psycho Killers

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