Based on the popular board game, this comedy begins at a dinner party hosted by Mr. Boddy, where he admits to blackmailing his visitors. These guests, who have been given aliases, are Mrs. Peacock, Miss Scarlet, Mr. Green, Professor Plum, Mrs. White and Col. Mustard. When Boddy turns up murdered, all are suspects, and together they try to figure out who is the killer.
… one doesn’t expect it to be as clever, as well-executed, or as serious in its ridiculousness as it is. And yet, here we are, nearly 40 years later, still doing the math on the bullets and mimicking Mrs. White’s flames.
Elements of Madness
If you’re open to a weirdly atmospheric comedy that dashes from deadpan to manic and back again, it’s a delight.
Combustible Celluloid
Genre |
Runtime | 94 minutes |
Rated | PG |
Directed By | Jonathan Lynn |
Starring | Tim Curry, Madeline Kahn, Christopher Lloyd |
Language | English |
Country |