Course starts Sunday October 15 @ 4pm

We are offering something very special this fall: a “Masterclass” on the films of Federico Fellini, hosted by a renowned Italian film scholar based here in Kingston: Frank Burke (Professor Emeritus, Queen’s University).  Frank has published & lectured extensively on Italian cinema & Fellini (most recently, editing the Wiley Blackwell’s A Companion to Federico Fellini), and cinephiles may know him from his audio commentaries for Criterion Collection’s releases of Roma & Amacord

The course will run over 7 consecutive weeks on Sundays at 4pm starting October 15, including 6 film screenings and a final lecture and reception on November 26 (with finger food!).

All screenings will take place in our beloved Roxy auditorium, which has a next-generation laser projection and a newly-upgraded sound system.

Cost: $100-$200 (“pay what you wish” pricing)

Course Schedule (Sundays at 4pm)

Individual Regular Screenings

Want to see any of these films individually, without registering for the course? We’ll be doing regular public screenings of every film on Thursdays @ 6pm (browse listings for exact dates). These screenings won’t be accompanied by a talk, however.

Film Course


Results of the 2024 Classic Movie Poll

September: Classic Cinema Lineup

WritersFest 2024 at The Screening Room

New This Week: Between The Temples

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August: New Vintage Poster Exhibit on Display

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